Horse Aid

Date: June 18, 2024

Horse Aid Main Image

Horse Aid is an equine-assisted mental health service for current and ex-defence personnel and first responders. Horse Aid uses thoroughbred ex-racehorses instead of therapy horses and partners with the participants of the programme to retrain them. Thoroughbred ex-racehorses can be like Veterans, Serving Defence Personnel and First Responders: they are highly trained and often finish their career with physical or mental health challenges through no fault of their own. The blend of human and horse connection, mutual healing, and second chances for both is central to the success of the Horse-Aid approach.   

There are one day and five-day programs. Many serving and ex-serving defence personnel and first responders experience anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress injuries.  There is no one-size-fits-all approach for effective and lasting healing.  The one-day program affords the opportunity to discover horsemanship skills under expert guidance and determine whether the full five-day program may be right for the participant.   

The five-day program allows participants to spend five immersive transformative days learning horsemanship skills and experiencing the healing power of the human and horse connection. Working with ex-racehorses is a truly transformative experience.  During this five-day program our Heros will:  

  • Learn horsemanship skills through hands-on training, designed by former members of the military and police force to support recovery from trauma 
  • Build trust and connection with ex-racehorses, and experience the satisfaction of helping them get a second chance in life 
  • Enjoy social connection and interaction with other veterans 
  • Spend time in nature, in a safe and non-judgemental setting, away from everyday lived experience  

The funds of $5,400 from the Lyone Foundation will assist Horse Aid to continue to help as many heroes and horses as they can through the one day and five-day programs. This will support heroes who have courageously serves and provide a second chance for ex-racehorses.