Dolly Parton Imagination Library Update FY 23/24
In 2024, DPIL celebrated its 11th anniversary in Australia, having reached an estimated 46,000 children nationwide that year alone.
In 2024, DPIL celebrated its 11th anniversary in Australia, having reached an estimated 46,000 children nationwide that year alone.
The participation of COS volunteers in the Vinnies Sleepout helped raise critical funds for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness through their assistance in catering and other duties.
The Lyone Foundation recently made a heartfelt donation of $30,000 to the specialist cancer hospital Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. This contribution was made in honour of Peter Cameron, a dear friend of the Foundation’s founders.
Founded in 1998, TLC for Kids provides essential support to sick children and families in Australia, offering relief and distraction during hospital stays, with services used over 14.1 million times.
Paint Me A Rainbow is dedicated to bringing about awareness of autism spectrum disorders within the school setting. The association works with schools to aid families through diagnosis and/or after diagnosis.
LiteHaus is a not-for-profit charity that facilitates digital learning opportunities and inspires the minds of thousands of children. Many schools have reported device ownership rates of less than 15%.