Backpacks 4 SA Kids

Recently, representatives from COS South Australia selected Backpacks 4 SA Kids as their local charity for 2018, donating $10,000 via the Lyone Foundation. Backpacks 4 Kids began with two young families…

Soldier On

Recently COS and The Lyone Foundation held a “Vote to Change Lives” within the COS company. Each staff member was gifted a monetary donation to go to their…

Feel the Magic

Recently COS and The Lyone Foundation held a “Vote to Change Lives” within the COS company. Each staff member was gifted a monetary donation to go to their…

Stella Bella Little Stars

The team from COS Canberra, nominated the local Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation as their 2018 charity, presenting a $10k donation from the Lyone Foundation…


PIPAThe Preterm Infants Parents Association Inc. (PIPA) is a charity which offers practical and emotional support the families of infants born premature…

Edmund Rice Camps

The Lyone Foundation are delighted to support the wonderful work of Edmund Rice Camps Brisbane, donating $15,000 to enable disadvantaged youth…

Orange Sky

The Lyone Foundation donated a total of $15k to the inspiring Orange Sky charity.Orange Sky Australia is the world’s first free mobile laundry service for people…

Lyone Foundation

Recently an emotional and heartwarming event took place when COS CEO – Dominique Lyone, signed a cheque for $900,000 to contribute towards the…

Childhood Cancer Association

On the 16th of May the staff from Complete Office Supplies (COS) South Australia branch presented the team from The Childhood Cancer Association with…

SMA Australia

The Lyone Foundation has proudly funded three cough assist machines in 2015.SMA Australia provides support to sufferers of Spinal Muscular Atrophy…