Date: June 23, 2021

Hearts of Hope Australia is a non-profit organisation set up in 2002 by a group of families whose children were suffering from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). The charity's mission is to relieve the distress and difficulties caused by complex heart conditions that children and their families face each day. They do this by providing non-medical support, information and other assistance directly to families and raising awareness of complex Congenital Heart Disease.
To achieve their aims, Hearts of Hope engages in fundraising activities to assist families living away from home for extended periods while their children are hospitalised. They also assist with the purchase of goods/services to increase the comfort of hospitalised children and their families, as well as the purchase of medical equipment that can bring suffering children independence and greater participation in social activities. The $5,000 Funding from the Lyone Foundation ensures the continued provision of these core services.