Date: June 23, 2021

Buldau Yioohgen’s ‘Big Dreams’ Youth Leadership Academy and Work Experience Program has achieved some fantastic results for young First Nations Australians, giving them a place to connect, access cultural support and advice, and meet with Elders and other respected members of the First Nations community.
The Lyone Foundation funding assisted with the purchase of the new Buldau Yiooghen Bus which is now operational and booked for numerous events and pick-ups across Victoria. The bus will transport approximately 30 First Nations children and families to the charity's centre each week from various locations across the state, assisted by a great group of volunteer drivers.
By June 2022, Buldau Yioohgen worked to provide 65 work placements or paid work opportunities for students via Anglicare Victoria, The Long Walk, and Tennis Australia (TA). This includes 50 paid work positions for Buldau Yioohgen participants in the next Australian Open.