Date: June 23, 2021

Gordon Community Centre aims to support and strengthen connections between individuals, families and the local community, where an unacceptably high number of people are living below the poverty line. One program offered is the ‘Emergency Relief Pantry’ which is designed to assist people in crisis with supplies for several days. Another is the free ‘Playgroup’, giving families, who would otherwise be unable to afford to attend child care, the opportunity to engage their children in communal play. Coffee and chat sessions are also free and available to people of all ages and backgrounds.
A new ‘Community Garden’ will be built this financial year to further assist families who are struggling. The total estimated cost of establishing the garden will be $6,000 - $8,000 with ongoing yearly costs estimated at $150 per month to maintain. The Lyone Foundation's funding of $10,000 will assist specifically with the establishment of this program.