Date: June 23, 2021

Operation Sunshine WA Incorporated is a not-for-profit, volunteer run, Perth-based children's charity organisation. Its primary objective is to provide support to children and young people in out-of-home care and crisis accommodation in Western Australia. There are approximately 1,000 instances of children entering state care and thousands more entering crisis accommodation in WA per year.
Many of these children do not have an opportunity to pack belongings before being taken from their home. A “Sunshine Pack” brings some brightness and joy into the lives of children who have experienced adverse circumstances. These packs provide essential items such as a change of clothes and toiletries, as well as therapeutic items such as a soft toy and activity books, so that these children can seek comfort amid a new environment and people. A grant of $10,000 from the Lyone Foundation enables Operation Sunshine WA to create 150 Sunshine Packs.